Marine gel coats are high performance coatings designed for the most demanding applications. These gel coats are used in a variety of marine applications from high performance speed boats to luxury yachts. Our gel coats are also used successfully in architectural applications as well as fiberglass swimming pools.
Our gel coats are formulated with high performance polymers; fillers and light stabilizers for excellent UV resistance; color and gloss retention; water and blush resistance; and crack resistance. These gel coats have exceptional spray characteristics and sag resistance for ease of application and equipment set-up.
Interplastic marine gel coats meet MACT Standard EPA 40 CFR part 63 requirements of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Reinforced Plastic Composite Production, with a maximum of 30% HAPs for white or off white gel coat and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Boat Manufacturing, with a maximum of 33% HAPs for pigmented gel coat.